I was a big fan of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure,but I am not anymore and here is why.


It was 2 days before New Year's Eve when I got package and inside was DVD box saying 'JOJO'S BIZARRE DEATH'.I said:'Seriously?JJBA is for mature audience,but whatever.'I popped up the disc on DVD and it began with menu.I pressed start and creepy face of one of DIO's servant.It esthetic for 3 minutes then it cut to intro with BLACK METAL music and showing naked characters then it cut to the Jotaro and DIO fight,but it was bloodier and had gore.Then it cut to the esthetic again.

20 minutes later

I played on my mobile phone Spider-Man Unlimited when all of the sudden popped up scene where DIO eats Joseph's body and Jotaro becomes very mad there he tears DIO apart and Jotaro was covered with blood and gore being fully naked that I could see his 'precious'.He told me:'What a pain,how did you menage to get DVD?'Then he told me to DESTROY DISC,so I destroyed it and I tried to forget,but I would always remember it.


Whenever you see something like this,destroy it and forget it.